Five Must Read Books

Books are a wonderful escape from daily stress and obligations, whether relating to our careers, family or other demands on our time. It affords us time alone in solitude to read the words of others, explore their imaginations and enjoy the path they take us on.

In a day and age that seems more difficult to find quality time, we thought a list of five must read books might be that motivator for you to take time for yourself, invest in your mental health or just sit back and enjoy what each page brings.

Here is our list of must read books!

The Great Gatsby – Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is set in the roaring twenties when jazz was king and while a movie was made in its honour, choosing not to read it is a mistake you will regret as movies simply cannot do a book justice. The book is based on the main characters obsession money, love and the dream that the depression would come to an end and prosperity would once again take over. The book was meant to be a big hit but failed to become popular until much later after its release. Fitzgerald passed away in 1940 and was not here to see the book become acclaimed but shortly after his passing, The Great Gatsby began a revival of Fitzgerald’s novels. That revival has seen over a half million copies of The Great Gatsby in print today.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Author: Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird was first published in 1960 and today is considered one of the greats with over 40 million copies having been sold worldwide. The book exposes the racial injustice that was present in the 60’s and is a timeless recount of the struggles faced by all those fighting the injustice that was so prevalent in America at the time. This is a novel that will teach right and wrong but also kindness.

On the Road – Author: Jack Kerouac

On the Road is another must read in our list. Considering this almost was not published, its author Jack Kerouac, succeeded and with it came a road trip novel that is turbo-charged about post-war America. It was originally published in 1957 and details the restlessness of the younger generation that was resisting the culture of the cold war.

Tell Me a Riddle – Author: Tillie Olsen

Tillie Olsen’s Tell Me a Riddle is a wonderful collection of talks from women from the working class. It includes stories about bravery, wisdom and takes you into a look not often seen. Originally published in 1961, it is still relevant today with many women all facing the same type of struggles that those in the past did.

Great Expectations– Author: Charles Dickens

There are not many who have not heard of Charles Dickens. Most know his name, but not all have read his novels. One of the top reads from Dickens is Great Expectations, a book detailing that will leave you giggling as you follow the take that follows.