What is the difference between ebooks and normal books?

What is an e-book? What is the difference between ebooks and normal books? Things to know when reading E-books?

These questions will be answered through the article below.

What is an e-book?

Ebook stands for “electronic book”. Like e-mail, ebooks can only be used by computer tools such as computers and personal digital assistants (palm, pocket pc) to view.

Ebook is a type of book used through personal computing devices such as computers and smartphones. Although this is one of many types of books, this is considered an electronic file and is designed like a real book but is a digital file.

Unlike regular printed books, e-books also have different formats. In a nutshell, books have many extensions like PDF, PRC LIT, etc. These files are different because they are made from different programs and therefore, want to read.

Electronic books have advantages that conventional print books do not: they are very compact, can be adjusted in font size, color, and personalized operations depending on the preferences of the reader. An outstanding feature of e-books is its storage capacity. The average book file is about 300 to 500Kb. Thus, with a capacity of 1 CD-ROM, you can store up to 2,000 books, an impressive number.

What is the difference of ebooks?

It is possible to immediately recognize what is the difference between ebooks and ordinary books through reading books, you have to directly read and flip through each page, but with ebooks, you can completely use electronic devices to read. In addition, the ebook can also be set as a link so you can move from page to page of the website.

Sharing eBooks on the internet is also easier with just the simple integrated buttons on the web that you can share document files with your friends on social networks.

How to read Ebook

However, there are many types of software that can read this ebook but can not read other ebooks so before downloading an ebook file, you need to identify the ebook format for example. it is Adobe Acrobat that only opens pdf and tiff files, why do these problems occur simply when e-book manufacturers or e-book publishers often have their own book format. So reading documents from one manufacturer to another is very difficult and it is important to unify a common file reading software among the manufacturers.

To read eBooks, you need to have an ebook reader software online or a reader application. These software applications are free to read ebook files, and some software can be downloaded directly. From the internet, like Foxit Reader, Adobe Reader, and other phone apps.