Five Must Read Books

Books are a wonderful escape from daily stress and obligations, whether relating to our careers, family or other demands on our time. It affords us time alone in solitude to read the words of others, explore their imaginations and enjoy the path they take us on. In a day and age that seems more difficult…

How to Truly Gain Knowledge From Books

The statement is true regarding books and their power to teach. While reading may not be everyone’s forte, it’s undeniable that some people do take in the message or help that a book is giving to them better than others. This is simply due to that person having more advanced skills whilst reading. Though, these…

Baseball Books – What You Can Learn

There are many reasons why everyone loves baseball, apart from the cracker jacks and cotton candy available at the games, it is the warm-up songs and mini-dances that gets everyone in the mood for a great game. It is the home-runs that get the crowd on their feet as they admire the bat swing in…

Benefits of Using Online Library Book Reviews

Considered ‘cool’ in your school years, you had to know certain stuff like Superman, Batman, and Captain America. In adulthood you need to know that any book is far better than the movie, long gone are the stereotype that those who love books are nerds. Since around 2014, the young adult fiction genre has expanded…

The Pisces by Melissa Broder

As summer is steadily approaching many of you are probably planning your perfect holiday getaway – whether it be by poolside or by a vast beach. Either way, it goes without saying that every bookworm is going to need their personal collection of summer books to keep their minds fully occupied and their imagination active,…

Top 5 E-Book Readers Reviews

As digital libraries are becoming more popular over the last few years – many companies are releasing their own e-book readers to make reading your favourite novel even more convenient and easy. An e-book reader is a tablet that mainly allows the user to read an array of books, no matter if it is a…

7 Innovative eBook Facts

7 Innovative eBook Facts

The eBooks or e-reader is a life-changing innovation of the technology. There are many facts about this eBook. The history of eBooks says that different types of challenge, long way of innovative works and trying to fulfill the need and comfort of the readers, eBooks are now at the advanced and super standard level. The…