Review The “Colorful” book – Mori Eto

The “Colorful” follows the usual insecurities that people may encounter in life, but some people find them too abnormal, too horrible, leading to heartbreak and then unable to overcome. In order to release those norms, Colorful presents an unusual solution. Life is a way to live the way you like, but once you have withdrawn…

Most Recommended Mystery Books

Mystery books are one of the most popular categories, especially with everyone becoming more intrigued by real crime on television. There are lots to enjoy with writers who truly know how to keep you on edge with twists that only get you deeper into the story. There are many types of mystery books, each offering…

Five New Books We Recommend You Read

1. Lake Success by Gary Shteyngart Lake Success, published by Random House and written by Gary Shteyngart is about a hedge fund guy in Manhattan who throws it all away to hit the road. The main character, Barry Cohen is married with a kid and has accumulated over $2 billion in assets. Cohen leaves it…

Five Must Read Books

Books are a wonderful escape from daily stress and obligations, whether relating to our careers, family or other demands on our time. It affords us time alone in solitude to read the words of others, explore their imaginations and enjoy the path they take us on. In a day and age that seems more difficult…